NABARD – KFW SOIL2021-06-17T08:35:17+00:00


During the Year Three Projects (Gadriyal, Ranga Reddy Pally, and Peddavarawal of Ranga Reddy District) are implementing with the financial support from NABARD under KFW Soil Project. The goal of this program is “integration of watershed development program activities towards rehabilitation of degraded Soils and building climate resilience by improving adaptive capacities of the communities against changing climate in the proposed watershed”

  1. Improving adaptation to climate variability/change in farm sector with better management and maintenance of soil and water regime enabling better crop/pasture land productivity and the resultant increase in income of small and marginal farmers.
  2. Promoting climate-resilient farming system and diversification of livelihoods engaging the community and their associations in the concrete adaptation pathway.
  3. Reducing climate change vulnerability and process of marginalization with the integration of risk mitigation products, like crop, weather, and market advisory; and information system.


SANKALP is involving in the promotion and formation of Farmer’s producer’s Companies (FPOs) and Registered with the Registrar of Companies with the NABARD Assistance in Mahabubnagar and Ranga Reddy districts of Telangana and provided training and Exposer visits to these organizations and arranged credit linkage from Banks. Under this program six FPC/Os was registered in the Registrar of Companies.


SANKALP is involving information of MACS societies in Ranga Reddy district of Telangana and provided training and Exposer visits to these members and arranged credit linkage from Banks.


SANKALP is involving information of Farmers clubs in Ranga Reddy district of Telangana and provided training and Exposer visits to these clubs and arranged credit linkage from Banks.




SANKALP has been successfully implementing Watershed programs with the kind assistance of NABARD. With NABARD assistance, we are implementing three WDF (Water Shed Development Fund) programs at Gandevedu Mandal of Ranga Reddy District with people’s participation.

The objectives of this program are (a) to improve water table levels by constructing different types of Water Harvesting structures like Checkdams, Farm pads, Percolation tanks, Gabion-structures, Contour trenches, and so on. (b) to ensure the prevention of soil erosion through conservation technique such as

Gully control works Rockfill dams, Continuous contour trenches, etc., (c) to improve horticulture and social forestry by raising nurseries and distribution of saplings, grafting, etc.,

We are implementing Water Development Programme with Holistic Approach, with 100% people participation and people involvement, with transparency and as per Govt. guidelines. For achieving this, our team has to spend considerable time to make them understand this program and the benefits accrued thereof.   People in that area have to put Shramadan in the beginning.  The Shramadan process resulted in developing a sense of solidarity and collective commitment among the people to develop their village. People have developed confidence in their collective strength.  They were very happy that they have done something very special in their area.  Motivation Camps were organized and have generated good understanding and motivation among the watershed community people.

The water table level will increase where the Watershed program is being implemented.  It helps Agriculture, Forestry to develop. The people where this scheme is implemented are poor and there is not much work to do.  They are getting very low wages, that too, not every day.  This landless were migrating to neighboring Towns and Cities in search of work. After launching our program, the demand for labor has been increased substantially. The people are getting works, and the wages have been increased. Now, they stopped migrating to other places as they are getting work locally. Wastelands converted into Irrigating lands.

 SAVE WATER CAMPAIGN (Jaldoot Programme):  With the financial aid from NABARD, SANKALP organized “Save Water Campaign in Vikarabad and Ranga Reddy Districts. In this Programme we have developed Awareness on Water budgeting in the village (Required water Vs Available water in the village) Sock pits, Rainwater harvesting pits in the households, Tanks renovation, Form ponds, Channels/ Guilles / Nala clearing, artificial Open wells, and bore Wells recharges, Soil moisture conservation, Small Water percolations tanks, etc. Trained water campaign volunteers (Jaldoots) are conducted a Village survey with regards to available water in the village and required water for the village.